A Biographical Profile of Dr. Mark A. Cruz
Last Updated: May, 2024
Mark A. Cruz
32241 Crown Valley Parkway, Suite 200
Monarch Beach, CA 92629
Office: (949) 661-1006
Residence: (949) 363-1539
Fax: (949) 661-9454
E-Mail: markcruz@markacruzdds.com
University of California, Irvine
Bachelor of Science, 1981
University of California, Los Angeles
Doctor of Dental Surgery, 1986
- American Dental Association 1986 – Present
- California Dental Association 1986 – Present
- Orange County Dental Society 1986 – Present
- Academy of General Dentistry 1989 – 2000
- Academy of RVT Study Clubs 1991- Present
- International Association For Dental Research 1994
- Academy of Operative Dentistry 1992 – 2013
- American Academy of Gold Foil Operators – 1995-present
- Academy of Dentistry International – October 1998-present
- Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontics – Active member-present
- Fellow Pierre Fauchard Academy April 2003-present
- American Academy of Restorative Dentistry 2004-present
- American Association of Physiologic medicine & Dentistry-2013-present
- North American association of Facial Orthotropics-2013-present
- American Academy of Gnathologic Orthopedics-2012-present
- Implant Study Group of Southern California-2001-present
- CDA Trial Panel for Judicial Council 1989
- Orange County Dental Society – Ethics Committee 1987 – 1996
- Orange County Dental Society – Membership Committee 1989 – 1990
- Orange County Dental Society – Ethics Committee Chairman 1994 – 1996
- Orange County Dental Society – Board Member at Large 1996-1997
- California Dental Association Expert Panel Journal reviewer 1998-2006
- Orange County Dental Society – Vice President 1997-1998
- Academy of RVT Study Club – Chairman Membership Services Committee
- Academy of Operative Dentistry Seminar/Study Club Committee 1994-2009
- California Dental Association-Council on Research & Developments 1998-2000
- Academy of Operative Dentistry-Developed Prototype/initial Academy Web Site (www.aod.org) 1998
- Academy of RVT Study Clubs-Co-Developed Academy Web Site (www.rvtucker.org) 1998-Editor
- Academy of RVT Study Clubs-Chairman for organizing Annual International meeting held September 1998 Newport Beach, CA
- Member of Editorial Board The Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 2001-2014
- Academy of RVT Study Clubs Secretary 2000
- Academy of RVT Study Clubs President Elect 2001
- Academy of RVT Study Clubs President 2002
- Academy of RVT Study Clubs Immediate Past president 2003
- Academy of Operative Dentistry Seminar committee Chairman 2003-2009
- Academy of Operative Dentistry Scientific Program Committee 2003-2010
- Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontics Scientific Program Committee 2003-4
- Section chair of editorial board Journal of Evidence-based Dental Practice 1/05-1/12
- Program Committee and Moderator for the Second International Conference on Evidence-based Dentistry November 4-6, 2005 Chicago, IL
- Clinician of the Year Award from the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators , Hawaii October 2007
- Academy of Operative Dentistry Executive Council: Counselor 2007-2009
- Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics- Chair of the ad hoc Committee for Change in Dental Education/Education Initiative 2007. White paper submitted to the ADA Task force on Dental education accreditation via the American College of Prosthodontics.
- Osseointegration Study Club of Southern California-Program Committee co-chair 2010-2012
- National institute of Health/NIDCR (National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research) Grant review Committee Washington D.C. September 13, 2011
- NIDCR Data & Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) for the National Dental Practice-based Research network (NDPBRN)
- The Multi-Disciplinary Airway Collaboration co-founder October 2012-present
- President’s Award Academy of RVT Study clubs, 2013 Asheville, NC
- Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics-Local Arrangements Committee chair for annual meeting Deer Valley, UT 2015
- North American association of Facial Orthotropics-Research Committee 2015-present
- Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics-Executive Committee 2018-present
- Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics-Executive Committee Secretary 2021-present
- Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics-Practice Transitions ad hoc Committee 2018-2020
- Director Multidisciplinary Airway Mini-residency 2018-2019
- Implant Study Group of Southern California Board of Directors 2015-present
- Implant Study Group of Southern California : Program Director 2022-2023
- Journal of the American Dental Association guest reviewer manuscript ID 228-19 May 2019
- BioScience journal reviewer: Manuscript ID BIOS-20-0041 May 2020
- Reviewer for the ADA PracticeUpdate Clinical Dentistry Channel: Cruz MA. Survival Rate After Endodontic Treatment in General Dentistry for Cracked Teeth With Different Coronal Restorations. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/survival-rate-after-endodontic-treatment-in-general-dentistry-for-cracked-teeth-with-different-coronal-restorations/108799/65/23/1. Accessed November 13, 2020
- Reviewer for the ADA PracticeUpdate Clinical Dentistry Channel: Cruz MA. Medications and Addictive Substances Potentially Inducing or Attenuating Sleep Bruxism and/or Awake Bruxism. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/medications-and-addictive-substances-potentially-inducing-or-attenuating-sleep-bruxism-andor-awake-bruxism/115693/65/23/1. Accessed May 07, 2021.
- Cruz MA. A commentary on: Impact of abutment geometry on early implant marginal bone loss. A double-blind, randomized, 6-month clinical trial. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/impact-of-abutment-geometry-on-early-implant-marginal-bone-loss/143186/65/23/1. Accessed November 29, 2022
- Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontics-Secretary 2021-2024
- Granulomatous Delayed Type Hypersensitivity in Q Fever University of California, Irvine Journal of Undergraduate Research (Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases 1981) (Received honors in undergraduate research): Excellence in Research June 4, 1981 @ Biological sciences Honors Convocation 1981
- Journal of Dental Research Abstract /Presentation March 9-13, 1994 Microleakage & Marginal Fidelity of Gold Inlays Using New Cements J.A. Sorenson, M. Cruz, S.P. Avera & G.Nunakawa (Advanced Prosthodontics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA.)
- Signature-Research Evaluations of a Lithium Disilicate Restorative System: IPS Empress 2 Sorenson, Cruz, Mito Fall 1998
- Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry-A Clinical Investigation on Three-Unit Fixed Partial Dentures Fabricated With a Lithium Disilicate Glass-Ceramic Sorenson, Cruz, Mito et al Jan/Feb 1999
- Evidence-based versus experience-based decision making in clinical dentistry Journal of the American College of Dentists Spring 2000
- Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 2001/2002 Editorial: Dental education, dental practice, and the use of evidence.
- Journal of Dental Research 2003;82:6-7. Evidence-based Dentistry: Benefit or Hindrance?
- Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice. June 2004 Vol 4, Issue 2;136-7: Low-level fluoride toothpastes are not as effective at preventing caries as high-fluoride toothpastes.
- Real-World Implementation of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. The Journal of Evidence-based Dental Practice; Volume 6, Number 1, March 2006:121-126.
- Effect of venting and seating techniques on cementation of full gold castings. MA Cruz, JA Sorenson, WK Johnson. Oper Dent 2008;vol33(6):pgs 690-695.
- Contemporary Restorative Indications for the use of Cast gold: An evidence-based Perspective The Canadian Journal of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics Fall 2011
- Medically Indicated Orthodontic Care: A Change in Concept. Dental Sleep Practice, December 6, 2016.
- The Age of Airway Goes Mainstream. Orthodontic Concepts Volume 10 number 4; 2019
- Inside Dentistry January 2020 Volume 16, Issue 1. Wake Up Call-Dentistry’s increasing role in airway screening and treatment by Witt Wilkerson DMD (featured commentary)
- Cruz MA. Survival Rate After Endodontic Treatment in General Dentistry for Cracked Teeth With Different Coronal Restorations. PracticeUpdate website. https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/survival-rate-after-endodontic-treatment-in-general-dentistry-for-cracked-teeth-with-different-coronal-restorations/108799/65/23/1. Accessed November 13, 2020
- Cruz MA. A commentary on: Proximal Contact Loss in Implant-Supported Restorations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prevalence. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/proximal-contact-loss-in-implant-supported-restorations/121287/65/23/1. Accessed August 18, 2021
- Cruz MA, Roblee RD, Raphael BD, Crean CB. Asking the right questions about airway in orthodontics. Orthodontic Practice; Vol 12(3)
- Cruz MA. A commentary on: Comparison of external, internal flat-to-flat, and conical implant abutment connections for implant-supported prostheses: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. PracticeUpdate website. January 4, 2022.
- Cruz MA. A commentary on: Posterior Bite Collapse: Guidelines for Treatment Based on Form and Function. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/treatment-guidelines-for-posterior-bite-collapse/135890/65/23/1. Accessed June 16, 2022
- Cruz MA. A commentary on: Clinical outcomes of implant-supported and tooth-supported fixed prostheses fabricated from digital versus analogue impression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/conventional-and-digital-impression-techniques-led-to-similar-clinical-outcomes-in-tooth-and-implant-supported-fixed-prostheses/154390/65/23/1. Accessed August 10, 2023
- Essay Presentation Pacific Coast Academy of Prosthodontist, June 22-24 1995: Effect of Venting and Seating Techniques on Seating of Full Gold Castings: Setting The Standard M.A. Cruz, J.A. Sorensen, and W.K. Johnson
- Table Clinic Academy of Operative Dentistry 1995 Effect of Venting and Seating Techniques on Seating of Full Gold Castings: Setting The Standard
- 5 Hour Presentation to Prosthodontic Study Club Mexicali, Mexico 4/27/96
- Presentation- The Cementation Error: A Prescription for Failure 11/08/96 American Academy of Gold Foil Operators, San Antonio, Texas
- Presentation to the North County Dental Study Club – “State of the Art in Cast Gold Techniques. The R.V. Tucker Model.” – April, 22 1997 San Diego, CA
- Lecture presentation at The Annual Meeting of the Academy of RVT Study Clubs: The Yin and the Yang in Dentistry: The Use of Post-ceramic Soldering in Combining Ceramics with Gold 1998
- Lecture presentation Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontics Harmonizing Full Coverage ceramics with Laminate veneers in the Esthetic Zone June 2000 Seattle, WA
- Lecture presentation California Dental Association Health of the Health Care Provider April 14, 2000
- Lecture presentation: “Communicating Micro-Esthetics” U.C.L.A. Esthetic Continuum Hawaii 2001
- Lecture presentation California Dental Association Environmentally Responsible Dentistry April 21 2001
- Table clinic presentation American Academy of Restorative Dentistry Harmonizing Full Coverage ceramics with Laminate veneers in the Esthetic Zone February 24, 2001
- Lecture to the Academy of RVT Study Clubs August 2002 “The Evidence Based Approach to Clinical Practice”
- Lecture to the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators October 2002 Halifax, Nova Scotia “Incorporating Gold into an Esthetic Oriented Practice”
- UCLA Esthetic Continuum in conjunction with Delta Dental Lecture: “Common Pitfalls of Veneer and Ceramic Onlay Preparations”. October 2002 Los Angeles, CA
- Guest Lecture to the USC Odontic Seminars November Los Angeles 2002 “The Evidence Based Approach to Clinical Practice”
- Guest Lecture On Evidence-based Clinical Practice to SOS a non-profit dental clinic in Hoag hospital Newport Beach, CA March 29, 2003
- Lecture USC School of Dentistry The New Odontic Seminar “Are You Ready for Evidence Based Clinical Dentistry?” San Diego, CA December 4, 2002
- CDA lecture: Evidence-Based Dentistry: What it is and What it is not: a panel discussion (participants: Philippe Hujoel, Mark Cruz, Max Anderson) Convention April 2003 Anaheim
- Lecture given to the UCLA Restorative and Periodontics Faculty: The Role of Evidence-Based Dentistry in Dental Education Part I May 2003
- Lecture given to the UCLA Restorative and Periodontics Faculty: The Role of Evidence-Based Dentistry in Dental Education Part II June 2003
- UCSF/Fresno Medical Education Program: Patient Care in the 21st Century August 13, 2004 Fresno, CA
- Guest Mentor R.V. Study Club of Hawaii (study club #50)/Lecture on Finishing of Indirect Cast Gold Restorations, September 11, 2004, Honolulu, HI
- 2 Day Seminar for the International Dental Study Club on the use of Cast Gold Buffalo, New York October 29-30.
- Lecture to UCLA Periodontal residents: EBD: What is it & What is it not Jan 12, 2005
- Lecture presentation Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontics: : Effect of preparation design on failure rate of porcelain laminate veneers: a quantitative and qualitative assessment June 2005 Marina Del Rey, CA
- Lecture to the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators September 30, 2005 Morgantown, West Virginia “State-of-the-art” Dentistry: Are we “BS-ing our patients?
- Guest lecturer UCLA School of Dentistry/1st year students: Decision Making in Dental Practice October 25, 2005
- Panel moderator and lecture: Real World Implementation of Evidence-Based Dental Practice Second International Conference on Evidence-Based Dentistry November 6, 2005 Chicago
- Principles of Occlusion 6 day curriculum course including live patient hands-on participation and lectures given at UCLA School of Dentistry Study Clubs #8 & 13 Feb- May 2006.
- Lecture presentation Decision-making Theory and Its Outcomes Aug 3, 2007 Academy of General Dentistry Ensenada, Mexico
- Lecture presentation Decision-making Theory and Its Outcomes. The Annual meeting of the Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry & Prosthodontics September 13-15, 2007 Winnipeg, Canada
- A Clinical and Science-based Approach to Managing Tooth Fractures given to study club #8/UCLA, Los Angeles, California January 18, 2008.
- Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) lecture given to RVT Cast Gold Study Club Orange County, California January 15, 2010
- The Richard V. Tucker Lecture of Excellence for the Academy of Operative Dentistry 39th Annual Meeting February 24-26, 2010 Chicago, Illinois: Decision-making Theory and its Effect on Clinical Outcomes
- CDA Spring Scientific Sessions Anaheim, CA May 13-16, 2010: Changing incidence, Risk factors and Screening Modalaties for Oral Cancer
- Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics 75th annual meeting June 23-26, 2010: A personal experience with head & neck cancer.
- CDA Fall Scientific sessions September 9-11, 2010 San Francisco, California Changing incidence, Risk factors and Screening Modalaties for Oral Cancer
- California Dental Association Fall Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, Ca September 9-11, 2010: Oral Cancer screening Hands-on training workshop
- Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) update lecture to the Cast Gold Study Club of Orange County- April 15, 2011
- Clinical photography lecture to the RVT Study clubs # 44 & 50 Oahu, Hawaii September 1st & 3rd, 2011
- Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) lecture to the RVT Study club # 44 Oahu, Hawaii September 2nd, 2011
- Decision-making Theory & Its Effects on Clinical Outcomes: Osseointegration Study Club of Southern California. June 8, 2012
- Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome- Screening, Diagnosis andManagement: Connecting the Dots. 2 day Seminar September 21 &22, 2012. Renaissance Hotel Aliso Viejo, CA
- An Epigenetic Approach to Managing the Deficient Airway, March 15, 2013. Stanford School of Medicine, Department of Sleep Medicine lecture to Faculty and Sleep fellows.
- Real-world Implementation of the medical model in CAMBRA-caries management by risk assessment: a minimally invasive approach; UCLA school of dentistry all day seminar April 27, 2013.
- The beauty and longevity of direct and indirect gold technique; La Universidad Autonoma de Baja California College of dentistry, All day seminar and clinical demonstration April 30, 2013.
- Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome-screening, diagnosis and management: connecting the dots, West Los Angeles Dental Society, May 7, 2013.
- Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome-screening, diagnosis and management: connecting the dots: Airway-centered Dentistry 2 day Seminar June 21 &22, 2013. Renaissance Hotel Aliso Viejo, CA
- Southern California Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Study Club @ White Memorial Hospital July 21st, 2013
“What Does it Mean to be an Airway-centered Clinician?” - Southern California Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Study Club @ White Memorial Hospital September 8, 2013
“The unrecognized sequelae of airway collapse and SDB: Connecting the Dots” - Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome-screening, diagnosis and management: connecting the dots: Session II
2 day Seminar September 13-14, 2013. Renaissance Hotel Aliso Viejo, CA
Airway Focused Study Club of Southern California
January 17, 2014 The Hills Hotel, Laguna Hills, Calif - Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome-screening, diagnosis and management: connecting the dots: Session II
2 day Seminar November 1-2, 2013 Seattle, WA - The Multi-disciplinary Airway Mini-residency:
Airway-focused dentistry: connecting the dots (10 hours)
The Hills Hotel Laguna Hills, CA July 25-26, 2014 & - The Raphael Center for Integrative Education Clifton, NJ August 8-9, 2014
- International Affiliation of Tongue-tie Professionals-IATP Summit Montreal, Canada October 10, 2014
Epigenetics and Oral development - International Academy of Gnathology Congress XXVII
Pasadena, CA September 17-19, 2015 Langham Huntington Hotel Airway Function & Dysfunction: It’s relevance to dental and general well-being-It’s a sea-change in the Healthcare Landscape - CAIC Annual Meeting September 12-14, 2015 Seattle, WA
The Relationship between sleep disordered breathing and general health - Academy of Operative Dentistry February 26 & 27, 2015, Drake Hotel, Chicago. Table Clinic: Airway Focused Dentistry.
- American Academy of Restorative Dentistry February 28th-March 1, 2015 The Ritz-Carlton Chicago, IL (back up speaker)
- Airway Function & Dysfunction: It’s relevance to dental and general well-being-It’s a sea-change in the Healthcare Landscape (back up speaker: did not give)
- At Stills School of Dentistry
Arizona, Post Graduate: Orthodontic Program
Medically Indicated Orthodontics & Airway focused Dentistry 10/20/16
AAPMD “White Flag Event” Consensus development meeting & Objective screening for SDB and Airway Function
September 15-17, 2016
El Conquistador Resort
Tucson, AZ - Glendale Academy of Dentists
Glendale 10/6/16 Oakmont Country Club, Glendale, CA
Airway Focused Dentistry - Myobrace
MRC Global Summit
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
August 26, 2016 - Academy Of RV Tucker Study Clubs Annual meeting
Honolulu, HI August 20th -23, 2014
Airway Focused Dentistry: the answer to a healthcare crisis
Orange County Dental Hygiene Society
Anaheim, CA March 25th, 2015
Airway Function & Dysfunction: The Dental Hygienist’s Role - Airway Dentistry. January 7, 2016 Clark County Dental Society
- (Zoom remote lecture)
- AMR lectures sessions I-IV 2013-present
- American Academy of Restorative Dentistry February 27, 2016 Ritz Carlton/Chicago. Airway Function & Dysfunction: It’s relevance to dental and general well-being-It’s a sea-change in the Healthcare
- Bredeson Case conference/Bredesen Dementia Study Group lecture: Airway dysfunction and effects on CNS. March 16, 2017 (webinar)
- International Academy of Endodontics Annual Scientific Sessions: The Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, July 29th-July 1st, 2017. Keynote lecture: What Does Breathing Have to do with Teeth?
- International Association of Orofacial Myology Annual Scientific session: October 13-15, 2017 Holiday Inn Bayside San Diego, CA: Wellness vs Disease Management: Multi-disciplinary collaboration & Its Integration in care
- Orange County Dental Academy Study Group: November 4, 2017 The Hills Hotel Laguna Hills, CA: Airway Focused Dental Practice: A departure from disease management in optimal wellness outcomes
- Western Regional Dental Experience Annual Scientific Sessions 2018-Airway Focused Dental Practice: A Departure from Disease Management resulting in Optimal Wellness Outcomes. April 13, 2018
- American Dental Association sponsored Children’s Airway Health Symposium, August 24-25, 2018. An Airway Focused Approach to Dental Clinical Care: Pediatrics through Adulthood
- Multi-disciplinary Airway Mini-residency March 2018-November 2018 West and East coast sessions I-IV
- ADA conference on children’s airway health, roundtable discussion on future actions. ADA Headquarters, Chicago August 23, 2018.
- ADA sponsored Pediatric Airway Summit. August 24-25, 2018
Chicago/ADA building: An Airway Focused Approach to Dental Clinical Care: Pediatrics through Adulthood - San Diego Advanced Study Group/Seattle study club lecture at Scripps hospital Tuesday,
October 9. 2018 San Diego. Airway Focused Dentistry. - AAGO Mid-winter meeting Maxillo-Facial Seminar-The Airway Paradigm: a global, integrated view beyond technique. January 11-12, 2019 Phoenix, AZ
- HORS Categorie Study Club, May 2-4, 2019 Santa Barbara Kimpton Canary Hotel: Airway Related Dysfunction in Dentistry: An Interdisciplinary Approach
- Future Tech Podcast with Richard Jacobs April 16, 2019: Considering Oral Health from a Holistic Perspective
- School of Behavioral Sciences Spring Quarter April 13 & 14, 2019 Masters Degree program: Breathing Disordered Sleep
- Airway Mini-residency Program sessions I-IV, 2019.
- American Association of Physiologic Dentistry & Medicine Nashville, Tennessee October 27, 2019. Collaborative Care for Airway-Centered Disorders: a series of case reviews for all kinds of practitioners.
- The Northwest Arkansas study group November 16, 2019 Facial & Airway Development & their link to medical co-morbidities: the need for interdisciplinary collaboration
- Future Tech Podcast with Richard Jacobs December 6, 2019 Airway & Snoring
- International Airway Symposium January 17-18, 2020 sponsored by the Dawson Academy St Petersburg, Florida
- The Dental Clinical Companion Podcast with Rich Mounce DDS March 10, 2020. What does it mean to be an airway-focused health provider and is it really controversial? Part 1 and 2
- Interdisciplinary Team Series: Focusing on Airway, restorative and esthetics. July 10-11, July 19 & 20, 2020 Guest lecturer sessions I & III.
- Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic/Orthopedic Treatment (SFOT) Course. September 11-12, October 9-11, October 23-24, 2020 Guest lecturer sessions I-III.
- AMR-The Fundamentals September 25-27, 2020 sponsored by the airway and facial collaborative.
- Stop Retractive Orthodontics-A John Mew sponsored webinar. September 27, 2020. Guest speaker
- AAPMD Nov 12, 2020-Collaboration Cures. Airway Orthodontics Program: The Medical Indications for Orthodontic Intervention (a virtual meeting).
- American Equilibration Society-Occlusion, TMD, Comprehensive Care: Pediatric Considerations; February 23, 2022. Chicago Marriott
- Osseointegration Study Club of Southern California & Osseointegration study club of Japan joint meeting, September 23, 2022. Understanding the role of craniofacial growth & development with interdisciplinary treatment planning and sequencing: a global view in planning intervention.
- Osseointegration Study Club of Southern March 24, 2023 Miyako Hybrid Hotel, Torrance, CA: The Skeletal Base, Dentoalveolar Complex & Implant Therapy: the wellness model.
- Dental Sleep Medicine: The dentist’s role in sleep dentistry Glidewell Symposium, Irvine, CA April 21-22, 2023. Beyond Appliance Therapy: Airway Focused Dentistry Part 1 & 2
- West Coast Information Technology Study Group, August 11. 2023 Penninsula Hotel Beverly Hills, CA. Understanding the Role of Craniofacial Growth & Develeopment with Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning and Sequencing.
- Clinical Presentation Given at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of R.V. Tucker Study Clubs: Demonstrating Direct and Indirect Gold. Completed on a patient in the The Naval Dental Services Clinic, San Diego, California – 1994
- Clinical Presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of R.V. Tucker Study Clubs: Preparation, Cementation and Finishing of Gold Castings on a patient (completed over two clinical sessions) Saluzzo, Italy – 1995
- Clinical Presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of R.V. Tucker Study Clubs: Demonstration of Direct and Indirect Gold on a patient using a five-step surgical microscope and medical monitor provided by Global microscopes at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada – 1996
- Clinical Presentation given at the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators: Demonstration on a patient using direct gold foil technique at the University of Texas in San Antonio 1996
- Clinical Presentation Given at the Annual meeting of the Academy of RVT Study Clubs in Newport Beach, CA demonstrating the use of direct & indirect gold cementation and finishing techniques September 1998
- Clinical Presentation at Mehary Medical College, Tennessee @ AAOGFO annual meeting October 27-31, 1999. Class V foil 10/29 & 10/30.
- Clinical Presentation given at the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators: Demonstration on a patient using direct gold foil technique class II at the naval dental clinic in Pearl Harbor Honolulu, Hawaii November, 2000 Guest Mentor Hawaii Cast Gold Study Club October 2001
- Clinical session demonstration Class II gold foil @ the annual meeting of the Academy of RVT Study Clubs Seattle, WA August 2002
- Clinical session demonstration Class V gold foil @ the annual meeting of the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators October 2002 Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Guest Mentor R.V. Study Club of Hawaii (study club #44)/Lecture on Finishing September 9, 2004
- Guest Mentor R.V. Study Club of Hawaii (study club #50)/Lecture on Finishing September 11, 2004
- Clinical session demonstration Class V gold foil @ the annual meeting of the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators November 2004 Loma Linda. CA
- Clinical session demonstration Class V gold foil @ the annual meeting of the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators October 29, 2005 Morgantown, West Virginia
- Clinical session demonstration Class V gold foil @ the annual meeting of the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators October 2007 Honolulu, HI
- Clinical session demonstration Class I gold foil @ the Joint annual meeting between the RV Tucker Academy and the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators October 2008 Scottsdale, AZ
- Clinical session demonstration Class I gold foil @ the annual meeting of the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators October 23, 2010 Westwood, CA
- La Universidad Autonoma de Baja California College of dentistry, Class buccal pit direct gold clinical demonstration April 30, 2013.
- Completion of over 6000 hour continuing education
- Academy of General Dentistry Fellowship Award (did not attend fellowship convocation)
- RVT Cast Gold Study Club of Orange County, Co-Founder/President 1991
- RVT Cast Gold Study Club of Orange County member 1991-2014
- Passed the AGD Fellowship Examination in 1991
- Panky Study Group 1989-90
- Tanaka Study Group 1997
- Newport Implant Study Club 1994 -1996
- Tucker Institute Cast Gold Seminar, University of Washington Dental School June 16, 1997 – June 20, 1997
- NGA (Niles Guichet & Associates) Seminars-Hands-on study group on Occlusion & Restorative Dentistry 1998-2000
- Member Osseointegration Study Club of Southern California-present
To contribute to the advancement of the dental profession, medicine and health care through a focus on airway-centric health using a “Wellness Model of Care”. The pursuit of excellence in diagnostics and clinical practice is founded on the evidence-based approach and clinical expertise supported by continuous education, and research. Translation of research evidence into meaningful clinical practice can only benefit the profession and society as a whole.
- Started excellence-oriented general practice upon completion of dental school in 1986; overseeing of leasehold improvements, office design, personnel management, implementation of various computer softwares, OSHA adherence, etc.
- June 1995 – June 1996 Visiting Professor at Oregon Health Sciences University, School of Dentistry Department of Fixed Prosthodontics
- January 2000-present Adjunct Professor at Oregon Health Sciences University, School of Dentistry, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics
- December 1999-2001 Lecturer, U.C.L.A. School of Dentistry Department of Restorative Dentistry AEGD program/Center for Esthetic Dentistry
- Clinical Assistant Professor at OHSU through June 2003
- Assistant Director UCLA Center for Esthetic Dentistry July 2001-2003
- Research associate UCLA Center for Esthetic Dentistry 2002-2004
- Co-Mentor for Conservative Cast Gold Study Club #8, Los Angeles 2005-2008
- Lecturer, U.C.L.A. School of Dentistry Department of Restorative Dentistry April 2007-2009
- UCLA Faculty Group Practice, Aril 2007-May 2009
- Clinical mentor for RVT Study Clubs #’3 44 & 50, Oahu, Hawaii September 1-4, 2011
- Founder and co-director of the Airway Centered Dentistry multi-disciplinary mini-residency 2013-present
- Chief Executive Officer Be Well Collaborative Care Centers: a multidisciplinary wellness medical model 2016-present
- JADA reviewer May 2019: Validation of Three Dimensional Airway Imaging for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening in Pediatric Patients. (Article was rejected for publication)
- Commentary for Elsevier/ADA through the Practice Update Clinical Dentistry: Cruz MA. Survival Rate After Endodontic Treatment in General Dentistry for Cracked Teeth with Different Coronal Restorations. November 2020 Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
- Osseointegration study club of Southern California-Program Director 2022-2023
- Active member Rotary International 1989 Present (Monarch Beach Sunrise Rotary Club): Continual active involvement in community activities, fund-raisers etc.
- Paul Harris Fellow 1995, 1997, 2001, 2007, 2011
- Co-chairman of International Committee 1993-present
- Mentor for Rotary Mentor Program
- Spearheaded Establishment of village Bank in Guatemala City (Project initiated in 1994 with fund-raiser and matching grant Rotary International)
- Tutor for Read-Ahead Program
- Member of Flying Samaritans, Orange County Chapter since 1993: Spearheaded project in effecting improvement of Dental/Medical clinic in Jesus Maria, B.C. i.e., implemented water purification system in clinic providing potable water for dental surgery and general consumption thus dramatically reducing incidence of GI distress, parasitic infections etc.
Implemented tray set-ups system for delivery of dental care. Acquired Autoclave for clinic facilitated donations and transportation of items to clinic from the United States to Mexico. - Actively involved with “Doctors of Charity” in Cabo San Lucas in Colonia del Sol Clinic 1995, providing dental treatment and assisting in establishment of clinic.
- Helped to acquire “Jaws of Life” extrication equipment for Rotary Club of Cabo San Lucas through the Orange County Fire Authority 1996.
- Member of Thousand Smiles Foundation of Rotary International cleft palate clinic in Mexico. Helping with delivery of dental services and facilitating donation of dental supplies through the Orange County Dental Society and Monarch Beach Sunrise Rotary Club 1994-Present.
- Rotary President’s Impact Award for outstanding service to the club 2001
- Business Rotarian of the year (Finalist) April 2005 District 5320