ALF (Advanced Lightwire Functional)
- This long-standing and validated form of orthopedic remodeling is a gentle approach to stimulating the growth of the dental arches, especially early in life (less than six years), while working with the child’s natural development. If a child’s deficient craniofacial growth is addressed earlier, the risk of dental crowding and breathing and sleep problems are minimized or eliminated.
- If the child is in physiologic breathing distress (something that the parent may not recognize), sleep may be a problem, resulting in many growth-related issues.
- Most importantly, this intervention is focused on the patient attached to the teeth rather than the teeth attached to the patient. That means the patient will breathe better and sleep better due to a well-developed airway not constricted from deficient growth (a prevalent problem resulting in dental crowding).
- When a child breathes and sleeps better, they behave better, focus better, and are less hyperactive. Optimal release of growth hormones, metabolic regulation, and cognitive function is optimized.